September 23, fourth stop in the 25-city tour. Kudos to the producers of the tour for translating solitary small-screen pleasures into a massive big-stage celebration. The tour experience didn't allow some of the great aspects of watching the TV show -- the competition between the crews, as well as the chance to snark with your friends about the crews, judges, and the voting public. Luckily, it more than compensated by showcasing awesome choreography that both highlights the best dances of Seasons 1 and 2 and introduces new routines and combinations. You may miss the TV show's subtler dance moves and the replays, but you're guaranteed auditory and visual overload.
First, the sensory overload. Well, this show was loud -- forget about talking to your friends. Instead, give yourself up to the bass vibrations and the crowd's spontaneous screams and responsive chants. To give you a flavor, here's JabbaWockeeZ introduction:
This was accompanied by lighting pyrotechnics and the gleam of hundreds of little phone cameras trying to capture everything for Youtube. Good luck with that -- the Youtube videos DO NOT come close to capturing the live experience. You gotta go. Really.
Each crew reprised its favorite routine and a mash-up of its 'best' dances from the TV show, as well as performing one new original dance. Honestly, all the crews brought it on, so that JabbaWockeeZ and Super Cr3w did not dominate the night. JabbaWockeeZ did a great job with an original "Look into the Future" of dance, starting tongue-in-cheeck with the theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" and playing into an out-of-planet experience. In New York, ICONicand Lil Kim also took the stage as surprise guests.
In addition, there were themes that involved the intermingling of the crews, including a Jacksons tribute and a look into recent dance crazes like Voguing and Soulja Boy. The themes were fun but not terribly innovative. Watching them was like going to a wedding or Sweet 16 party where there are 'entertainers' hired to get the party-goers on the dance floor. Except these are REALLY REALLY GOOD entertainers.
The show ended with a mock dance-off. The dancers in various combinations brought out their toughest moves as the crowd screamed their approval. Amazing and worth the price of admission.
I attended the sold-out America's Best Dance Crew Live show in New York on September 23, fourth stop in the 25-city tour. Kudos to the producers of the tour for translating solitary small-screen pleasures into a massive big-stage celebration. The tour experience didn't allow some of the great aspects of watching the TV show -- the competition between the crews, as well as the chance to snark with your friends about the crews, judges, and the voting public. Luckily, it more than compensated by showcasing awesome choreography that both highlights the best dances of Seasons 1 and 2 and introduces new routines and combinations. You may miss the TV show's subtler dance moves and the replays, but you're guaranteed auditory and visual overload.First, the sensory overload. Well, this show was loud -- forget about talking to your friends. Instead, give yourself up to the bass vibrations and the crowd's spontaneous screams and responsive chants. To give you a flavor, here's JabbaWockeeZ introduction:
Powered by This was accompanied by lighting pyrotechnics and the gleam of hundreds of little phone cameras trying to capture everything for Youtube. Good luck with that -- the Youtube videos DO NOT come close to capturing the live experience. You gotta go. Really.Each crew reprised its favorite routine and a mash-up of its 'best' dances from the TV show, as well as performing one new original dance. Honestly, all the crews brought it on, so that JabbaWockeeZ and Super Cr3w did not dominate the night. JabbaWockeeZ did a great job with an original "Look into the Future" of dance, starting tongue-in-cheeck with the theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" and playing into an out-of-planet experience. In New York, ICONicand Lil Kim also took the stage as surprise guests.In addition, there were themes that involved the intermingling of the crews, including a Jacksons tribute and a look into recent dance crazes like Voguing and Soulja Boy. The themes were fun but not terribly innovative. Watching them was like going to a wedding or Sweet 16 party where there are 'entertainers' hired to get the party-goers on the dance floor. Except these are REALLY REALLY GOOD entertainers.The show ended with a mock dance-off. The dancers in various combinations brought out their toughest moves as the crowd screamed their approval. Amazing and worth the price of admission.
This is the second part of Fanny Pak's live chat on Questions are in bol, answers in italics and no spelling has been corrected! Click here to return to home page
What is the craziest thing a fan has ever done when they met you? When fans cry, it's really crazy. We never expected that people would be so excited about us. We're just regular people. who do you guys think is the dorkiest? love u guys!! Phil or Megan. But Megan isn't that much of a dork, so it is Phil. did you watch lord of the rings?? which part do you like the most?? Matt loves the 10 minute part ending of the 3rd Lord of the Rings. He was crying the whole time. Beau agrees that was the best part. what do you eat this morning for the breakfast ? xD Starbucks and it was noon. And PB&J sandwiches. dO YOU ALL SHOP TOGETHER...? Not at all. Cara shoots down all of our choices. Cara likes to a high-low mix, but she has expensive taste. If you weren't a celeb what other job would you do? If we weren't dancers, then Megan and Cara would want to be chefs. Glenda would be a secret agent. Beau would be a teacher. Phil would be a designer. Matt would be a dance teacher. how did u heard bout stardoll? Bridget and Lauren...they are the coolest! What is your favourite pair of shoes :-)? Phil's is Milkshake kicks. Cara's are Creative Recreation. We are actually going to have a Fanny Pak sneaker coming out soon! Do you ever wear sunglasses and things so people think your not a celeb? No we aren't celebs! But we do like to wear wigs and make movies. what do u think about scarfs??are they popular accesories??? We LOVE accessories! Especially scarves. who of you is the most serious?? None of us. We are all crazy! Nothing serious going on in the Pak. DO you have any rituals that you do before show? We pray and sometimes we meditate to Enya. And we do bad dancing. It can go either way, either bad dancing or meditation. Do you like to wear high heels All Tiffani wears are high heels. She bought her first pair of sneakers for the show. Do you believe Santa Claus..? Yes. If you could have a magic power what would it be? Phil transport, Cara says invisibility, Beau would want regenerate, Matt says time travel and to live forever. We are all huge fans of Heroes. We are watching it on the tour bus now. Do you like Converse's? I have red ones! Matt doesn't like Converse, but everyone else loves them. hi what do you guys do realy i have never heard of you any way when i find out i will tell everyone!!!:) and my name is leyla We are America's Best Dance Crew. We are kind of a big deal. Our apartment smells of rich mahogany. We have many leather bound books. Hey guys how did u start ur career as dancers? Cara started by dancing on a drill team. Phil started by watching Britney Spears. hi, i am a big fan! what is the ugliest thing you ever seen? Phil Collins. For us, ugly means we like it. So when we really like something, we say it's ugly. Ugly is awesome. Hey!Where has been the Best place to preform??U GUYS ROCKED AT THE VMA'S The VMAs were the best place for sure. Idk if this will come up but... Does anyone watch Spongebob Squarepants... lol Yes we are obsessed. SpongeBob is amazing! how do u guys choose your dance moves We play the word association game. We pick a word and try to bring it to life. do any of u have a crush on each other? Not at all. Phil would like to date everyone but he gets turned down every time he asks. u know u have fans in israel?? What!? Now we do! We are so excited and we want to visit and perform there. We will tell our manager Have you ever got in alot of trouble? Not really. Even though we are crazy, we are all good kids. Hello ! Can I ask , what's you're favourite kind of music?Thank you . We like every type of music and dance to all kinds of things, minus country music. Cara likes a few country songs, and Phil likes slow R&B jams. Tiffani loves the Dixie Chicks. whose your favorite actress? what do you think about hilary duff Phil loves Scarlett Jo, Tiffani loves Julia Roberts, Glenda likes Sandra Bullock. Cara loves Kate Hudson. Megan loves Laura Linney. All of us LOVE Johnny Depp. He can do anything! do you make up funny words and make a meaning for them? ALL THE TIME. Look out for the Fanny Pak dictionary. Sick-ning. That means amazing. We don't really make up new words, but we like to change the meaning of words. HEY! Who some of your role models? Role Models - our mothers! Word to your mom. Your parents are always there for you. Be nice to your parents! who are your favourite desingers?? LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooh. Marc Jacobs, Betsey Johnson, Kara Saun from Project Runway too. We got to know her through the show. Phil likes Cavalli's runway shows! did u think coming in macedonia and preform? We will perform anywhere! I am a HEEEE-UGE fan!!!!! So, do you guys have any build-a-bears or special stuffed animals you cuddle with? Thanks! Glenda has a brown bear named Genie. She cuddles every night with the bear! Megan doesn't do stuffed animals. Tiffani has a snow-edition Tigger and Phil has a Astronaut Build-A-Bear. are you afraid of UNICORNS? they really scare me!! Nope. We like crazy mystical creatures. Hi lets hope this question comes up, none of my questions have come up :(. Anyway whos music would you rather lsten to Boyzone or Take that? (pretty please come up) Take That is so much better than Boy Zone according to Beau. Hello! Which are your fav movies ? :D MAtt says Hocus need to know it. Tiffani loves Jim Carey movies, Ace Ventura. Phil says The Holiday and The Notebook. Megan said that P.S. I Love You is a horrible movie. Whats Your Fave Icde-Cream... Glenda says Cookies and Cream. Matt, Tiffani, and Beau like Mint Chip, but it has to be green. Phil will eat any kind of ice cream you put in front of him. hi i was wondering what do you mostly enjoy doing in your free time? Watching movies, shopping, eating. We are homebodies. Matt likes to "stumble" on Firefox and find cool new websites. who wins when u play guitar hero? :P Beau wins. He's on the medium level. hi what your favorite book? Phil loves this question. Cara loves Stardust. Megan loves the Kite Runner. Matt likes Parrell Worlds by Michico Hahn. Megan also likes the Lovely Bones. Tiff likes Are You there God, It's me, Margaret. hey OMG i like totally love you guys, Hers a wierd qetion what do you prefer hot dogs or green beans :P HOT DOGS from Cosco. All beef. Except for Tiffani, she doesn't do beef. OMG i totally love you guys anyway wierd question what is th biggest dream of you life like what is your future, xx..xx This is it - we are living our dream! And we also dream about being Stardolls! Thanks so much for chatting! Matt, Phil, Tiffani, Megan, Glenda, Cara, Beau all say goodbye and thank you!!!
Here's Fanny Pak's live chat on, which took place Sept. 23. Questions in bold, abswers in italics, and no spelling has been changed!. Click here to return to the home page. Moderator: So, we’re glad to welcome Fanny Pak to the doll house.Lots of questions from around 100 countries are waiting for you, so Fanny Pak, do your thing!
Hi *****Pak, how long did it take to prepare that routine called "Dangerous Prom? 3 or 4 days, and that was the longest we've ever had to prepare. We were all sick during that week! what do u think how should i name my new doggy?? Rufus, Brutus, Sabastian, or Fannigan. Heyaaa just wondering Who is the Best dancer???? We are all very individual, we complement each other. do you like hsm i do love it Cara was actually in HSM 3! Do you like to sleep more? We are inspired by each other, and the Webster dictionary. which one do you choose, Avril lavigne or paris hilton? A loud Avril!!! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE ANIMAL TO EAT??? Chicken. Are you guys available to do gigs? How would I go about booking you for an event? Our managers contact info is on our Myspace page OMh i love u!So how did u all meet? We met in Matt Cady's dance class do you like tokio hotel? We met them at the VMA after-party, and they are really cool people. Hi! What was the funniest thing you ever done? Megan's booty popping was the funniest thing that has happened on tour so far. What color is the socks that you're wearnig right now? White, Strawberry, and some of us were rushed this morning and aren't wearing any today! what do u like more apples or oranges? Well we don't all like the same things...some like Apples and some like Oranges and some don't like either. do you ever watch cartoons??? Yes! A lot of us really like Family Guy. How long have you been friends with eachother? We actually hate each other. Kidding!!! 2 years-ish. what is your favourite breed of dog? Phil says Chorkie, Tiff says Maltipu, Matt say Laso Aposa who is the loudest in the crew Glenda! Do you like My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy Best? My Chemical Romance, although Fall Out Boy has some really nice singles. If you could meet anyone at all, who would it be? Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Kate Hudson, Martin Luther King Jr. Where do you gals get your fab dresses from? 3 stores we like: Fred Segal, Goodwill, and Bebe. if you could be a super-hero which one you will be? Batman, Catwoman, or Superman Rihanna or Avril Lavigne? Just asking. Can you tell everyone who you guys are? Oooohhh. We like both, but they are completely different! If you could be anyone for the day who would you be? Xoxo Megan says Oprah for a day. Matt says Ellen. She's sick. hi who do u prefer micheal jacksons moonwalk orthe robot? ooh Michael's Moonwalk. Always Michael. Have you ever had a bad hair day? Every day, all the time. Tiffani wears hats to cover up her bad hair day. She once wore a hat for two weeks. have you ever watched harry potter? Glenda is obsessed with Harry Potter! What is the best thing you da at sleepovers? We make movies and play Guitar Hero. Hi would you say your glass was half full or half empty Our glass is always half full. What do you like most about being on tour? The tour bus. It's a luxury liner. And we love meeting our fans! Do You Think You Can Beat Me At Guitar Hero? (I Warn You - I Rock! Lol) Probably not. Matt's biggest score was 57%. Where did you get the name ***** Pak from? Well we love the 80s and it was a huge fashion statement during that time. And we are a group, so we liked the name "pak" Hi I love the 80's also, so who is the most athletic in the group? And who thought of the military routine? Glenda is the most athletic and it was Megan's idea to use the platforms for the toy soldier. Click here for Part II of the interview. Click here to return to the home page. Click here to leave comments.
If you are near Miami, have a dance crew of your own, and still want tickets to tonight's ABDC Live Tour, there's still hope. VitaminEnergy, ABDC, and Power96 are sponsoring a dance contest today (Sept.18) from 4:30-6pm; registration starts at 4 at American Airlines Arena. All participants must be 18 years or older and each dance crew must have a minimum of 3 people with a maximum of 5 people. Registered crews will dance live, in front of a panel of 3 judges. Winners will be announced after every crew has competed.
Grand prize: each crew member will receive: • 1 ticket to attend america’s best dance crew live tour • 1 “meet and greet” pass to go backstage and meet the performers • 3 cases of Vitaminenergy
Gotta Dance Atlanta is giving away free tickets to the ABDC Live tour. To win, answer the following questions and send answers to by Sept. 18. Write "America's Best Dance Crew Tickets" in the subject line. Their questions & our hints: 1. What song did JabbaWockeeZ and Super Cr3w perform to during the battle for the VMAs? (answer: "We are the Champions") 2. Who is Lester Horton, where was he born, and where did he start his company? (hint 2: Wikipedia is your friend!) 3. What bus number do you have to take to get to Gotta Dance Atlanta and where was the original building of Gotta Dance Atlanta located and name one of the first instructors. (hint 3: check out