Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Field report: Week 2 from the Press Room

More of Chris Trondsen's report from the tapings:

Whether it was having Beyonce as this episode's 'mentor' or the judges' lackluster enthusiasm for most crews' during week one, each grouop came out stronger and harder this week, showing what their crews were really made of. The highlight of this week's show was definitely the tight battle to be in the final spot to make it to Week 3. Artistry in Motion came out with a strong performance to "Diva" that seemed to almost seal that deal that would have them make it to the next week's show, with tight choreography and a music-video quality performnace. However, Afroborike came out with an even stronger performance to "Beautiful Liar", pulling out tricks that have never been seen on ABDC before, including having all three girls jump fom the ground onto the shoulders of their male dance partners.

Another highlight wasn't shown on TV: Affion Crockett (from Nick Cannon's MTV show 'Wild 'N Out) got up from the audience, got on the microphone and did his now famous Jayzee impression.

The standing ovations this week: We Are Heroes, Massive Monkees, and Afroborike. Lil Mama also gave a standing O to WAH.

Thanks Chris!

Overall this episode had all that we are used to seeing on ABDC: amazing choreography and moves most people can't even think up, groups you want to root for, and a final battle that had you locked to the TV screen. And make sure to watch next week where each crew will incorporate martial arts into their routines!

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