Thursday, August 13, 2015

Christ Trondsen review of ABDC VMA Wardrobe Challenge!

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Tonight, on American's Best Dance Crew, the opening sequence has one member from each crew dressed as a fighter (think Manny Pacquiao in full on boxing gear) to step into the ring and do a freestyle to show off some of their biggest moves.  This opening sequence has two members from two different crews show off some intense martial arts and tricks having them walk away as the perceived winners.  Overall, the opening sequence is one of the better ones from the season and the two solos show off the amazing skills these two dancers have.

The following description of each crew's performances are in random order so they will not spoil who was in the bottom two.  The challenge for tonight is the VMA wardrobe challenge where each crew must use their wardrobe in a creative manner. They have to some how incorporate what they are wearing into their performance and impress the audience and judges with what they are able to do with it.

Elektrolytes puts on one of their best performances.  They use comedy as well as have one member use his bigger moves to impress.  It was Elektrolytes best performance of the season.  Most people in the crowd were saying that they stepped it up this week.  Think groove, soul music, and everything back in the day!

Super Cr3w brings it this week.  One of their best.  You will see a few different moves that you have not seen on the ABDC stage before and the ladies will particularly like the ending of their performance! The judges did make some comments about their moves not being challenging enough but any one who follows the dance scene will disagree.  What these guys are able to do physically and as a collaborative effort together cannot be touched.  Impressive performance and one of the members will be DJ'ing during part of their set.

Quest Crew, oh Quest Crew.  There is nothing I can say about tonight's performance that won't give it away so lets just say it is the funniest performance of all time.  It got an insane audience reaction and there is no way you can't feel it.  The audience was dying laughing, the judges were as well and this is something you have never seen from them before.  Also, watch DTrix's face while the judges are talking.  He stays in character and it's hilarious.

This is the performance from Kinjaz I have been waiting for all season.  Anyone who has followed them knows that their choreography is clean, they hit beats in the song you would not think to hit at, they move like a unit, and they are able to impress the audience without needing to do big tricks.  This is their best performance hands down.  They have had impressive performances but what really sets this one apart is the correct music choice.  The music choices the first two weeks haven't complemented their style but this song did.  Plus, they had one of the best uses of wardrobe.  It almost looks like they use some magic.

IaMmE Crew is in full on creative mode tonight.  Their performance is more about art and telling a story with insane visuals than it is about high flying moves.  For me, it was my favorite performance of the night.  They get a judge comment about their footwork not being clean enough but sometimes I feel the judges say something just to feel important.  Their choreo and footwork was most likely Brandon's and it was smooth. Think Michael Jackson.  But the whole feel of tonight's performance is what I think of when I think of IaMmE!

I think some people won't be too surprised about who goes home.  This was actually their best performance but the crew they went up against had their best performance as well.  Both crews used a similar theme by dressing up as other people so it was who made people laugh more and one crew won.  It will be sad to see them go, especially because of how nice and humble they are but no one can say they did not have an impressive showing.

Some things you won't see on the episode tonight is T-Pain having a dance off with Marcus from Elektrolytes.  T-Pain can actually dance and the dancers and crowd was shocked.  He also sang without auto tune and the guy has a great voice.  I don't know if they will show this at the end but all the dancers go into a freestyle battle during the credits and it's always impressive to see everyone do their thing without limitations and challenges.

Tonight's episode was much better than last weeks.  I'm curious to find out who your favorite performance was by! Also, next week each crew will have two performances with two different challenges.

Thanks Chris! Click here to return to the first page and leave comments.