- No Label from Los Angeles also auditioned for ABDC 4. According to an interview in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, No Label opened for 50 Cent on tour. They stand out from other auditioners with their integration of contemporary and hip hop styles. Here's a recent rehearsal:
- Pandora's Myth, from San Jose, is part of SoulNation. They were interviewed by Pacific Rim at the ABDC5 auditions. They are "fierce with a twist." Here's their group's debut (with a few extra members) at World of Dance San Mateo 2009:
- Poreotics, from California, were formed in 2007. Since then, they've performed extensively including World of Dance 2008, Fusion X, and Body Rock 2009. We interviewed the crew at the ABDC 5 auditions. Poreotics won the US division of Hip Hop International 2009 with this routine:
- Rumba-Ta, from Las Vegas,with members from Cuba. They differ from Afroborike by incorporating rumba and other Cuban dances into the mix. Here's an interview (with a few demonstrated moves) with Pacific Rim at the auditions.You can watch an short interview and part of their audition on this Talk of Fame video (starting at 0:58).
- Sheroes is an all-girl group from Los Angeles, and they used that name long before "We Are Heroes" appeared on ABD4. Members have danced with Team Millennia & TM 7, CADC, Breed, GRV, BMOD and Common Ground. Here is our video of their audition for ABDC 5 and our interview with the crew. And, here's a recent CultureShock workshop:
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