Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Videos 2010

-Jason Cabacungan of Swagger Crew (ABDC5) has this Christmas video featuring the latest addition to the Cabacungan/Swagger Crew family, Jayla "Baby Swagger" Cabacungan.  Congratulations to Jason and thanks for the video!  Look out for more info on the Purple Dance Society next year!

-Moon from Marvelous Motion and Aye Hasegawa of Boxcuttuhz put out this artistic little video titled "The Christmas Date."

-The Hypersquad Studio (home of Hype 5-0 from ABDC5) has not one, but TWO videos to spread the Christmas cheer.  Mahalo and thanks to Hype 5-0!
A Dream is a Wish (done during WOD Hawaii Practice)

12 days of Hawaiian Christmas

-Finally, here's a video from some of our readers (Del, Maxxann, Jai, BJ and myself) wishing you all a Merry Christmas with a new version of the 12 days of Christmas! Credit to Names are Overrated for the lyrics!

On behalf of everyone here at BABDC, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

DirtFaceX’s field report (with video) on MICHAEL CD release party in New York City

Here's the rest of my report along with more pictures from the event.
One of the many highlights of the night was randomly running into Rhythm City from Season 4! The entire RC family was in attendance- dancing and singing to MJ throughout the night. I didn’t realize till later, but Denzel from RC was one of the dancers who performed in one of the featured dance routines (wearing the sleeveless coveralls). I chatted with Alonzo for a bit and asked him what’s been going on with the crew lately. The entire group actually just got back from China where they got a great response from their far east fans.

The two featured events of the night were the dance routines. Other than that, it was just a dope-ass party--- impersonators, sparkly gloves, posing for pictures, sing-a-longs, and plenty of dancing! ::aCHA-ooo!:: I hate to say this, but it was truly one of those memorable, “you had to be there” events. Here’s a bunch of pictures I took throughout the night. Enjoy! And always remember to SHAM-ON!

Michael overlooking the party

DJ Cassidy on the ones and twos

the masses showed up to celebrate Michael

My fam and me meeting Rhythm City

Sunday, November 21, 2010

DirtfaceX's field report (with video) on Beat Freaks workshops in New York

Here's the rest of DirtfaceX's report on the Beat Freaks workshops and his interview with the crew. Thanks again DirtfaceX!
Day 2: The girls taught for an even BIGGER group of kids at the Inspiration Dance Studio.  Nearly a hundred kids attended the workshops and were broken down into three groups - little kids, not-as-little kids, and big kids.  The event was three hours with the Beat Freaks rotating classes.  It was interesting seeing the different methods and dynamics each Beat Freak used when they taught the younger group compared to the older kids.  Near the end of the night, I could sense that the younger kids were getting restless and so Jules and Teresa didn't teach a routine so much and played a 'freeze dance game' and broke out into a freestyle cypher.  At the end, there was a Q&A session with the girls - where they talked about their 'Freak the Dream' campaign and answered any questions that the kids had.  Afterwards, everybody lined up for pictures and autographs.

I conducted a quick interview with the girls - however, there were technical issues and no audio was captured. Real shame.  But here's a quick recap:  I asked if there were any ABDC crews who they want to work with and they unanimously said 'Jungle Boogie'.  They already had done some work them for Old Navy and both crews will soon be featured on the AMA's in the near future.  Rino also mentioned that she wanted to do a routine with 'Vogue Evolution' and Teresa added they they wanted to work with their friends, The Jabbawockeez and Super Cr3w.  We also talked about their newest member of the crew - BGirl Bonita - and her official joining of the crew.  If you haven't seen or heard of Bonita, youtube her (she's really hot!).  Then I asked if they would do ABDC again and Teresa gave a quick "YES!".  Teresa and Jules said they would definitely be down.  Rino was a bit hesitant - but she said if the other girls were doing it, then she'd be down too.  And Alison, who wasn't on the show, said she would LOVE to be on it.  Finally, I asked about any upcoming projects.  Keep a look out for a weekly (?) internet show.  Follow the girls on twitter and in the weeks to come for more details.

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend.  Everyone involved was so polite and courteous and the girls are all so down to earth.  Thanks!

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

FAQs for Ninjaboi's Documentary on Hip Hop Dance

Why did you do this?
-Short answer: A club I’m applying to asked for a creative submission. 
-Long Answer: Since I got sucked into hip hop via BABDC, there have always been these questions about how it all started and such.  Forums and some documentaries like “Planet Bboy” helped some, but as I learned more, I started to realize how little a lot of people really did know (ie, those who misuse the term breakdancing or poplocking, or don’t know who DJ Kool Herc was).  So this was also comes from a long burning desire to teach others the facts so they can give their due respect.

I’ve been in the hip hop community for a long time and what you said is totally false. [Insert name here] was totally a huge influence but you didn’t give them their due!
-First off, like I said in the disclaimers in the beginning, I’m not an expert, so it’s very well likely that I overlooked, or overplayed, certain aspects of the history, That being said, I erred on the side of caution here, because I know that there are a lot of unresolved debates about certain aspects that I really don’t know enough about.  Apologies to anyone who wasn’t mentioned by name or feels overlooked.

Why is it so long?
-Because I’m an overachiever, and also that the history of hip hop isn’t something that you can do a good job telling in 5 minutes.

Hey you took my video from Youtube! Isn’t that like property right violation?
Honestly, I don’t really know.  All I know is that A)Youtube is really the only source of video that was relevant that is also easily accessible, B)I make it clear right off the bat that I don’t intend to use this video for personal profit, beyond the fuzzy feeling of finally getting this done and dropping some knowledge, and C)I do have a credits at the very end of the movie listing all the channels I took footage from.  The only videos I claim as my own are the transitions with subtitles that are of me dancing.

Oh that was you dancing? You suck!
-Why thank you very much.  Also, thank you for not yet watching the whole video to the end and realizing that I think it’s the emotion and feeling you put into the dance that’s more important than the technique.  Maybe I’ve only been dancing for 2 months, but I hope that you all can tell how much feeling I put into each dance.  Hopefully in a few years I’ll be better.

I can’t understand the voiceovers!
-Again, not a question. But yeah, that’s me talking.  I did it all in one night in a study room as a sound studio, again using my laptop as a voice recorder.  I do have a slight speech issue, and as the night went on I started to get more and more hoarse.  Also, a few segments were impromptu without script.  Also, some of these were close calls where I managed to twist a mistake to a “correct” version, so that I wouldn’t have to start over again.  Apologies for the problems my speech deficit give, and also apologies for what my microphone couldn’t pick up. 

The quality sucks!
-Not a question, but I’ll answer anyway.  The quality suckage was (to a degree) intentional.  If you’ve watched the whole thing, you know that at the end I talk about how hip hop is being kept alive via webcam.  Those people keeping it alive may not always have the best equipment, so I tried to give them credit.  So, any footage that I filmed myself was done via stationary webcam around campus as well.
Also, a lot of the clips I got from Youtube weren’t exactly HD quality, and processing them degraded that a bit too.  So blame the limited technology I have.

I found some editing fails, were those intentional?
-Unfortunately no.  First off congratulations because that means you sat through a good portion of the video to find those mistakes.  But in any case, this was done for submission by a certain time, and as time got short I guess I panicked and skipped a few corners.  Sorry about that

Will you go back and fix them?
-Considering that for those 2 fails that I found, I’d need to go through another 3 hours of editing, more likely more, I doubt it. 

I do new style choreo. Are you saying I’m not hip hop?
-In the most literal sense of the word, no.  But, I’m not putting down any other style of dance at all in this video (I’m a folk dancer myself).  New style choreo has some aspects that are really dope, as do pretty much any form of dance.  But the big issue I have is when people think of new-style first when they hear “hip hop” rather than old-style, and sometimes don’t even know what the differences are between bboying, locking and popping.

What about [insert krumping/turfing/jerking/other dance style that some call hip hop here]?  You didn’t mention them much.
-As it stands, I wanted to talk about what I (more or less) know.  Unfortunately, I don’t really know so much about all those styles.  I did try and throw in a little bit of krumping footage in there, but aside from that, apologies. 

Any directors notes you wish to add?
-Umm, this was a great project to work and keep me busy.  Sure stressful, but the fact that the deadline finally forced this out of me sorta makes me happy that I had something to do.  Much thanks to those more experienced in hip hop who dropped some knowledge on me, especially those from this board.  Thanks to the whole BABDC community (I give you all a shoutout at some point in the movie and also in the credits). 

As for things to look for in the movie…
-The biggest thing I wanted to address was the naming issue of “breakdance” and “poplocking,” and the issue of old-school styles being overlooked sometimes.
-I may have given a bit much emphasis on the Step Up Movies, but in all honesty I need to watch more hip hop dance movies.  I stuck with what I knew.
-The music selections were sometimes random, but there were a few (especially in the “dark age” and the “future generation” sections that were definitely intentional.  Most notably, I made sure to use a lot of James Brown near the beginning.
-If you watch to the end, I hope that the full-circle effect is taking place.  Big ups to Eddie Uehara for being a huge inspiration in terms of what attitude to have when dancing.

Dance to Express, not to Impress

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ABDC Master Mix Sudden Death results: 14 people with perfect scores!

Here are the people eligible to compete in our Tie-breaker round tomorrow. Note: I had accidentally left two names off the list when this was first posted. Here's the COMPLETE list: 
Andrea Richards, Brad L, Byenyn, David Bay, Erik S, Jai, LetRyGuyIn, Levithan, lilpuffygirl, Numa Nash, RockSteadyByMe, Shahin, Sunset, TimetoFlytotheCheese

Congratulations and good luck tomorrow. I want to give away that shirt/Itunes certificate already!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ABDC Master Mix Contest: People eligible for Sudden Death Round

People who have 22-24 points in our ABDC Master Mix Contest are still eligible to win by entering the Suddent Death Round. If your name is not on the list and you think it should be, then email me at with what score you think you deserve. I will email you back and tell you which weeks are missing/incorrect. If you can then forward your original email to me for that week, I will give you credit for the missing points.

The names listed are either: the name the entrant used in the emails or the first part of their email address (in cases where there were multiple people with the same name or if no name was given)

People with 24 points: Andrea Richards, Belgian Boy, Brad, Byeynyn, Candice, CG, Chemamin, David Bay, Darren, Erik S, Florian R., Framfrit, Goonie644, Hank, Jai, jjvirus, John Doe, Jonathan S., Karen Chu, LetRyGuyIn,  Levithan,  Mr. Tabachoi, Ninjaboi, Numa Nash, pupkp161, Robel, RockSteadyByMe, Shahin, Sunset, Teldon, TimetoFlytotheCheese, Tony Tran, VivalaVix, xxxcrashoverride, y2kt1189

People with 22 points: Doug, Jarthon, Justin W, Leslieforsheezy, Meowie, Ramcnei2, Rellmatic, Sharrod, Sophia, SurroundedbyIdiots, The Trend, Tuba

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Monday, September 20, 2010

DirtfaceX's field report (with video) on Hype 5-0 at Alvin Ailey in New York

Here's the rest of Dirtface X's report on Hype 5-0's workshops, performance, and meet-and-greet at the Alvin Ailey Extension in New York on September 18, 2010: 
While waiting around I was able to pickup all the new shirts (as seen on - none of which were in my size - but I support the arts regardless.  ABDC fans should take note that the red shirts have "SHAKAK" printed on the back - a reference to their "Hip Hop Nation" routine.  I got a kick out of that.

Although they started a bit late, it was performance time.  First, Hypersquad (from Hawaii) started off the night with their routine.  It was then followed by a contemporary dance piece, then a breaking routine, and then a hip-hop routine.  I apologize for not remembering any of the dancers' names, but all dance sets were beautiful and fun to watch.  Hype 5-0 finally hits the stage and they rock it!   Afterwards was a 'meet and greet' session with the crew.  I got to chit-chat with the crew a bit and everyone was polite and courteous.  I thanked them for coming out and holding this event, b/c the EastCoast rarely gets events like this.  Overall it was a great event and I had a wonderful time.

Click here to return to the first page and to leave comments. Thanks again DirtfaceX!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

DirtfaceX's field stage-side and pool-side report (with video) on Super Cr3w in Atlantic City

Here's the second part of the video and the rest of DirtfaceX's field report:
Funny thing happened as I was waiting - I randomly met several friends I went to high school with.  I was lucky I ran into them, b/c I asked one of them to record the performances for me (so I can fully geek out without worry of shaking the camera) - and he agreed to do it.

So finally, Super Cr3w hits the stage and I'm front row center to catch it all.  The first routine was fantastic.  The first minute of it wasn't really caught on camera too well (blame it on my friend), but eventually gets decent at the last half of the performance.  They finish up and get on the mic.  Do-Knock announces that they're gonna have a dance contest with the ladies in the crowd as the participants.  I thought it was dope, b/c I've seen PLENTY of dancers perform, and they RARELY interact with the crowd like that.  Six girls get on stage and the dance contest is on - the winner gets a Super Cr3w t-shirt.  For the most part, it was your typical bump 'n grind, booty-shaking contest (tsk tsk) except for ONE girl.  She took the control of the contest and the crowd when she busted out a robot and did the 'hanging arm move' (ya know - that move that all non-dancers do).  So congrats to that girl.  Then Super Cr3w clears the stage for one more performance.  At this point, my friend got sick of recording so I took over.  As you will see in the video, I am HORRIBLE at recording dance routines b/c I'm always jumping up and down, and yelling "WHOOO!".  And I apologize for that.  They finish and head back to their cabana to party it up.

At this point, I am determined to go for a swim.  The last time I was there, I made a promise to myself that I was going swim in that pool during after hours.    I changed out of my clothes and ended up hiding all my stuff in some plants at the back of the club.  And boom!  Canon ball into the pool!  For the most part, I was the only one in there - but that didn't bother me one bit.  It's 2am and I'm doing laps in the middle of a nightclub in New Jersey.  The DJ was blasting some dope-ass tunes, and I was having a ball!  Occasionally, a Super Cr3w dancer would walk by and I would throw the "S" in the air as I'm in backstroke position.  And they responded with an "S" or pointed and smiled at me.  I was living it up!

After about two hours of swimming, hot-tubbing, and dancing, it's getting late and I have to meet up with my mommy.  So I change back into my normal clothes and approach the guys again to say goodbye.  Ben then came up to me and asked - "Did I say 'wussup' to you in Vegas last week?"  And inside, I'm buggin' out.  This guy actually recognizes and remembers me!  Real classy, those Super Cr3w boys are....  I mention to him that I know that they're gonna do another Mus.I.C run in Vegas and tell them - "Please announce the dates early, so the Eastcoast can get good airfare rates!"  He laughed at that.  I thought about asking them for a picture or maybe even an interview, but they were partyin' it up, and I didn't want to mess their flow.  I leave and meet up with my mom and tita.  Turns out, my aunt won a little bit of money and the whole trip ended up paying for itself! It was a fantastic night and truly memorable!  Sorry again for the unprofessional videos, but ABDC fans should understand."

Click here to return to the first page and to leave comments. Thanks again DirtfaceX!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ninjaboi casts his own ideal ABDC Season 6 - what do you think?

Here' the rest of Ninjaboi's explanation on how he would cast America's Best Dance Crew Season 6. It's detailed but definitely worth the read! Click here to leave comments and to watch the trailer again. Thanks Ninjaboi!

As the West Coast has all  champions thus far, there is a movement to try and dethrone them.  However, there are a ton of crews still in the West Coast that have bite in them.  Also, I decided to include the international crew here since the most crews that look to be most favored to appear in ABDC come from West of the United States. 

Instant Noodles – “They’re here to serve you in under three minutes!”
Now, Instant Noodles is a relatively recent crew, who came into our radar at the Season 5 auditions.  They are a bboy group of mostly Taiwanese Americans in California, who have competed at Hip Hop Internationals (placing 4th in the US Adults category), and have done various shows such as San Diego’s best dance crew. 
The reason I picked them for the show is A)the connection between HHI and ABDC (Kaba, Poreo, and Blueprint all came to the show after performing at HHI), B)all but one season have had a bboying crew, and C)all seasons need an all male, mostly if not all Asian crew.  But seriously, their Bboying skills and foundation are pretty legitimate, and their 4th place win at HHI has brought them to the producer’s eye.
If they were to go onto the show, I would recommend working on learning choreo, so as not to repeat the mistake of Massive Monkees, as well as continuing to do their bboying foundation, while powering up their power moves.

Elektroyles – “They’ve got the energy to go all day long!”
    As opposed to Instant Noodles, Elektrolytes was one of the very first crews to audition for ABDC, all the way in Season 1.  Based in Arizona, they have won Arizona’s Best Dance Crew, and continued to dance and try out for the show.
    Like Royal Flush and Hype, I believe this crew should be rewarded for their perseverance in continuing to try to get on the show, as well as the fact that their dancing covers many different styles.  They strike a fine balance between team tricks and choreography, which the judges seem to desire.
    If they were to appear, they should maintain their style of dance, while trying to find some sort of signature style or character to make the audience connect with them, avoiding mistakes of crews that had decent dancing, but relatively bland personalities.

Sweet and Sour – “From the land of Kiwis…”
    Now, I figured that there will be another international crew after Blueprint’s success.  If you look at all dance crews worldwide, that is a lot to sort through.  One way to ease the search is to look for crews that have gain a significant reputation in recent years, through competitions like BOTY or HHI.  Obvious choices appear such as Request, PAS, and BOTY competitors such as Last 4 One, Gamblerz, Ichigeki, or Project Soul. One common trait among these crews is the fact that they are all WEST of the United States so I decided to pick a West Coast crew. 
    Since we already have a bboy crew, BOTY winners were out.  PAS was invited, I believe, but as Poreotix said, they’re starting to focus on other things in life.  Sh*t Kingz and Prepix are two Japanese non-Bboy crews, but the former has too few members (collabing with Choreo Cookie members won’t work since CC won’t ever audition), and the latter would just incite Jabba-fans calling them biters.
    So between Request and SAS, I went with SAS partially because they’ve been more well known longer, and partially because I had footage of them on the ABDC stage and of them doing the Haka which I had to include. 
    About their dancing, they are similar to Quest in that they do both crazy tricks and choreography, but they tend to do more choreography than tricks.  Also, like Hype they inject flavor into all their routines.
    The only issue they would have in coming to the show is the obvious away team reaction, i,e, what Blueprint faced not receiving enough votes to get out of the bottom two for a long time.  Other than that, they’re a perfect ABDC crew

To be honest, there are loads of crews in the West there that are amazing.  So many, that if I stopped to try and think about it, I’d change my minds so many times. So I just went with these three as they were some of the first I thought of, pausing only to debate which international crew would compete.

Being the home of top crews such as SoReal Cru, Jungle Boogie, Strikers All Stars, and Royal Flush, the South has had a fair shot recently at taking the title.  While most of the Hip Hop dancing seems to be centered in Atlanta and Texas, with high energy moves seeming to be their trademark, Florida and precision crews still exist.

Marvelous Motion – “Their Motion is Marvelous, how about yours?”
    Now, I admit this crew with two assumptions.  One is Moon Di Zhang being on the team.  The other is Philip “Pacman” Chbeeb being free of his SYTYCD contract and competing with their team (Interesting to note how SYTYCTD alum all show up in ABDC.
    Mostly, Marvelous Motion is known for their choreography with a sprinkling of tricks.  However, with Moon and Pacman in the lead, they definitely fill a niche as a “precision” crew. 
    Should they make it, they have to be careful not to center too much attention on Moon and Pacman.  Individuals “carrying” a crew tends to be frowned down upon by the judges.  However, taking their leaders’s precision to heart, they should do decently, if not go all the way. 

Xternal Technique – “No longer content with being outsiders, they’ve come to show off their skills”
Now some may not favor this crew due to certain – ah – beefs they have with certain other crews bringing them to attention more than their actual dancing.  And while I will say that certain aspects of their choreography needs to be cleaned up, their battle skills are well deserved, and their self-confidence is admirable, to say the least.
Stylistically, I find that they favor popping and breaking power moves with a touch of krumping in favor of choreography you would find say from Hype 5-0 or Kaba Modern.  However, that interesting combination of breaking and popping as well as their self-assuredness makes for an interesting sell by the producers.
Should they make it to ABDC, I would recommend working on cleaning up synchronization, as well as finding ways to better flow between their different styles, such as putting in some new style choreography.

Second 2 None – “They claim to be Number One.  Are they really Second to None?”
    First, don’t confuse this crew with the one from California.  They’re from Austin, TX.  Now, I had never seen or heard of this crew until their audition tape for ABDC 5 was leaked.  And I must say I was truly a believer that they would go through.  They have tricks and bboys, while still hitting the new style choreography hard and on point.  I still have hope that they will try again next season and make it.
    Technically, they need to develop their transitions between segments of the dance. Like with Elektrolytes, they must develop a character that the audience can identify with. They may be a rookie team, but I feel that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Now, for other crews from the South, Footsoulgerz crew was the other one I was contemplating including, but the abundance of jerking in their performances dismayed me. 

To date the biggest threat to the West Coast dominance, the East has had many crews step up to the plate, with many more lined up behind them.

Phunk Phenomenon – “It’s the Phenomenon of Funk that’s sweeping the nation”
    Recently placing high in Hip Hop International (always a plus), this crew has been around for a long time.  While not necessarily limiting themselves to hip hop only, they definitely have the precision of crews such as Kaba Modern, while the theatricality of Jabba, not to mention a few tricks of their own that can wow the crowd.
    In terms of choreography, with few exceptions, they are near the peak of the game with relatively little to work on.  The only suggestion would be to, as with other crews, make sure that their personality shines through and that it is to America’s liking.  They are simply such a huge talented crew that there is certain to be a winning combination in there somewhere.

Ridonkulous- “It’s crazy, it’s silly, it’s Ridonkulous!”
    Now, when looking for a “flavor crew” to fill the roster, few come as close as compelling as nerds.  Us socially awkward denizens who can do your homework but have no motor coordination?  Yeah, we can move on the dance floor too.  From MIT, Ridonkulous (or some variation thereof such as Geek Chic) are not only talented in choreography, they have trickers, storytellers, and humor as well. This talent plus their story is something that a producer dreams of.
    In terms of presentation, they are surprisingly like Static Noyze of Jabba or Quest – most of their performances have a story, albeit nerdy in nature (evil scientist, Revenge of the Nerd, Lord of the Rings).  They also have the ability to do cultural dances, given the ethnic makeup of MIT, as well as more traditional hip hop.  And their tutting is one of the best I’ve seen in a whole group.
    If I were to change something about them when they get on the show, it would be making sure that the audience could follow their story line, as 45 secs is a really hard time to tell an indepth story.  Getting too worked up in the theatrics of it can hurt what dancing is to be had in the set.  Other than that, they just need to use their brains and focus on their strengths.

Point Blank – “They’re taking aim at the crown!”
    Another repeat auditioner, this crew from Philly tends to mix some humorous song choices, ie Spongebob Squarepants, in with their sets.  (This is different from crews that take serious songs and dance silly to them).  While being a choreography crew, they tend to have a fair amount of individual tricks and popping going on within a set. 
They definitely have the talent to back up their claim of Philly’s Best Dance Crew.  While they have the usual stuff, they also do some crazy things.  Like perform to a drum solo instead of regular hip hop music.  Trying to audition when their music cuts partway through intentionally and they keep on dancing till it resumes.  Stuff like that
    As is the case with about half these crews, their main concern is to develop a persona to present to America, as well as continuing their choreography, as well as their creative ideas.

To be honest, this was the hardest region for me to decide upon.  Aside from Phunk Phenomenon, there were so many other crews.  I was thinking that my lineup was missing “flavor crews” that represent a certain demographic of the population or a unique story, but at the same time there were so many talented crews that finding which “flavor crews” without short changing anyone who deserved it was difficult.  Other candidates included E3, NIA, Bollywood Funk, and Illmatic.

So there it is, my ideal, hopefully realistic lineup for ABDC6.  This probably won’t hold (No all female crew again), but I’d love this season should it happen.  Agree? Disagree?  Go ahead and post yours, but please, remain respectful.   

Click here to leave comments and to watch the trailer again. Thanks again, Ninjaboi!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Videos: Performances from Dance This including Massive Monkees and Nappy Tabs

More from the July 10 Dance This Festival: Here's the performance by Napoleon and Tabitha D'umo (NappyTabs):

And here's the finale featuring all the dancers showing hiphip, tap, Bhangra, contemporary and more:

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Interviews with We Are Heroes and Poreotics at Kababayan Fest

NickiSun in Now You Know interviewed We are Heroes and Poreotics backstage at Kababayan Fest. In this videoWe Are Heroes they talk about their costume design, why they're so proud to be the only women to win ABDC, and teach Nikki some moves.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scenes from Hip Hop International: award ceremonies (including Poreotics), medals, fans, & more

More scenes from Hip Hop International 2010:

Howard Schwartz (Co-Creator of HHI and of America's Best Dance Crew) announcing results:

Lots of medals!

The US Varsity Awards Ceremony

The US Juniors Awards Ceremony

Click here to return to the home page and to leave comments. Thanks again for the pictures, MOMZ-N-Da Hood!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Videos from Homeland Jam 2010: Poppers, Robots, Lockers and Waackers

More video highlights from Homeland Jam 2010: The poppers

The Robots:

And the lockers!

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Monday, July 26, 2010

World of Dance Seattle: Field report & videos of Jalen, Super Cr3w, Kontagious Movement!

Here's the rest of David Sean Jason's report. Thanks again!

First off, the event took place in Auburn, which I believe was a horrible idea. Despite the great turnout, I believe WOD Seattle should've taken place IN Seattle. The line getting inside wasn't that big of a deal. Tickets were available at the location if you didn't buy one online. I was expecting the place to be bigger, but was disappointed on how small the place was. It was really packed so I just went straight to the auditorium where I got AWESOME seats (middle of 3rd row). Atmosphere was awesome and the hosts were great.

There was an intermission for a celebrity meet and greet. Alot of people got posters signed and even their ukeleles signed by Victor Kim. Speaking of Victor Kim, he was AMAZING! Played more songs than he expected and he is a really nice guy. I could honestly listen to him play and sing all day. Way better than Youtube videos.

Overall, GREAT event and will definitely go again next year!
More videos: Jalen (from FenroKaiderX Youtube Channel). Thanks for the link, Ninjaboi! 

Quest's Victor Kim singing (from LisaThatGirlX3 Youtube Channel)

Super Cr3w battling Ring of Fire:

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Quest Crew in Singapore -- performances, freestyles, and interview

Quest Crew performed in Singapore on July 11, 2010, and the fans captured every bit of it.   Click here to see their group freestyle and an interview with Ryan, Hok, and Feng on Singapore TV. Thanks for all the links, Snoop Doggystyle!
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Videos: San Diego Best Dance Crew winners Choreo Cookies and Instant Noodles

Here's Instant Noodle's dance at the 2010 San Diego Best Dance Crew competition that won them third place in the adult division.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blueprint Cru walks the red carpet at MuchMusic's Video Music Awards

More photos from Blueprint on the red carpet at the MuchMusic Video Awards on June 20, 2010: 

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pilipinas Got Talent finale today (June 13): top dancers & groups that made it to semi-finals

Here are the performances by other dancers or dance groups that made it to the semi-finals on the 2010 Pilipina's Got Talent. CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO THE HOME PAGE AND TO LEAVE COMMENTS.  

ALEX CARPENA SEMI-FINAL (when he was eliminated):


SNAP BOYZ SEMI-FINAL (where they were eliminated):





CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO THE HOME PAGE AND TO LEAVE COMMENTS. Thanks again to Ninjaboi for the links!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Videos: World of Dance Winners - Psyde Project, Static Noyze, The Family

More World of Dance New York Coverage:
Static Noyze from Boston (the larger group, not the crew that appeared on America's Best Dance Crew Season 5) took second place in the overall competition. They also won Best Theme for their interpretation of Alice in Wonderland

The Family from Montreal placed third in the competition.

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Report: AJ's Close Encounters at World of Dance NY and ABDC crew workshops (with video)

Here's the rest of AJ's report: 

Heavy Impact's Leon was up next.  Not much to say about it.  The choreography was pretty fast and I'd say that the difficulty level was intermediate/advanced.  I actually sat out midway thru the workshop.  Next was Static Noyze's Suzette's workshop.  And this was truly an advanced routine she taught us (imo).  I lasted about 30 seconds and sat out.  (I'm not a dancer).  During Suzette's class, I stepped out to check out the Poreotix workshops being held in the same building.  From what I saw, it looked like a lot of fun, and there were a lot more people that attended it.  After all workshops, I got to meet and see many of the crews again and thanked them for such an awesome weekend.  I actually stood behind Suzette on line at Gray's Papaya.  The guy at the counter (who's Filipino) saw me and asked "Who's dance workshop did you just take?".  I pointed to Suzette and said "hers..." and she smiled.  I thought that was funny.

The day didn't really end there.  To top off the weekend, I attended a Poreotix appearance at Amnesia night club.  They performed the same routine they had done at WoD and everyone loved it.  Afterwards, I got to hang and chill with Poreotix for a bit and Blueprint's TL and Nathalie were there too!  I thanked everyone for such an amazing weekend.

It's not very often that dance events such as these happen on the East Coast and in NY.  Being a huge fan of ABDC, it was truly a weekend that I won't forget.

Click here to leave comments and return to the home page. Thanks again, AJ!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Photos from Poreotix workshop at BoogieZone NJ

ChrisBata shared these photos from his session at the workshop taught by Poreotix member Dumbo. Thanks Chris! Click here to return to the home page and to leave comments.

Top dancers on European TV competitions: Robot Boys (Denmark), Twisted Feet (Sweden), Tobias Mead (UK)

Here's Twisted Feet's performance on 'Sweden's Got Talent': 

Click here to watch Tobias Mead on this season's 'Britain's Got Talent':

Click here to leave comments and to return to the first page. Thanks again, Robban!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Watch all 3 winning Body Rock Performances: Sh*t Kingz, Choreo Cookies, GRV + Boxcuttuhz, KM

Here are more winning performances from Body Rock 2010, on the BodyRockSJ Youtube Channel.
Sh*t Kingz took first place with this dance. The sound has been stripped from the performance video.Here's the tech rehearsal. Click here to see an earlier version that still has the sound:

Third place GRV:

Boxcuttuhz in exhibition:

Kaba Modern:

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Field Agent report: Ninjaboi's meeting with Quest at DisneyWorld's Grad Nites

Here's the rest of the field report from Ninjaboi:
Agent Field Summary:
      Arriving at Disney approximately at 2100 EST, we actually entered the park at 2200.  Thanks to prior arrangements with Agents N and J, the Field Agent was scheduled to meet with Quest Crew by the Rocket Plaza stage in Tomorrowland before their 2245 performance at approximately 2215.  However, thanks to strict regulations by the Walt Disney World Corporation, gaining access to Quest Crew, who were backstage in a secluded area, was made difficult and postponed.  Finally, at about 2235, the Field Agent was able to enter with 3 associates backstage.  Due to the limited time now available for an interview, the Field Agent was only able to acquire about 2 minutes worth of interview, in low-light settings, before being escorted out to the Rocket Plaza stage.

      Present members of Quest Crew included Steve Terada, Hok Konishi, Brian Hirano, Victor Kim, Ryan Confierdo, Aris Paracuelles, and D-Trix Sandoval.  Ryan Feng was not present, likely due to his recovering foot injury.  Most members were dressed in Marvel Character t-shirts. The Field Agent was able to acquire a performance at the Rocket Plaza stage, albeit slightly blocked by Disney’s cameraman.  The performance was of various freestyles, with many signature moves. 

      The Field Agent was not able to watch and record the choreographed routine at Castle Stage at 2330 and 0115, due to being on the opposite side of the park at that time and in line for another ride.  However, reports from classmates who did watch the performance and various youtube videos, it appears to have been a combination of their ABDC performance set and their Samsung tour set.  Apparently their schedule for the night was to circulate between about 4 smaller stages in addition to the Main Stage, leaving little time between performances for interviews or meet and greet opportunities.  

-The Field Agent can now sympathize with Agents Chris and Glenda when they say that they were “literally kicked out” of the ABDC crew garage when trying to get interviews.  There is just so much to ask and say and do with the crews, but so little time.
-Quest Crew is much shorter in real life than on TV
-Rather than the traditional Disney song track for the park, many contemporary songs were played; Many of these were songs used in challenges
-Whenever “You’re a jerk” came on, random “jerking battles” spontaneously erupted, which the Field Agent found amusing.  The dancing at the various dance floors was, in the same thread, much of what you would find at a high school dance rather than the freestyling seen on the show, with a few exceptions. 

-Interview Video 
-Freestyle Video at Rocket Plaza stage 
-Castle Stage performance acquired from Youtube 

Met Quest Crew, got Interview video, got Performance video (freestyle) 

Did not get reader shoutouts, autographs, or pictures 

Overall appraisal:
      The agent self-recommends a “B-” grade, for actually meeting Quest Crew and getting a video, but with penalties for forgetting to take a picture and for missing the Castle Stage performance, as well as the shoutouts.  However, the overall experience of actually meeting Quest Crew, and having fun at Magic Kingdom at night nets Disney Grad Nite 2010 a solid A+.  Anyone who is going to go to Grad Nite on the 30th or 1st should bring a camera as well to try and capture Season 3 runner ups Beat Freaks performing.  

End Field Report.

Click here to return to the first page and to leave comments. I give the field report an A!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Videos: World of Dance Dallas Performances by Static Noyze, Ghost Crew, Illovation

From Airjsen23 Youtube Channel, here are more performance videos from World of Dance Dallas:
Static Noyze 6 (the group that appeared on America's Best Dance Crew Season 5)

Ghost Crew, also from ABDC Season 5:

Here's Illovation's performance that won the WOD Dallas Competition:

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ninjaboi's Review of ABDC5 (aka Seasoned Fries) & Key Success Factors for ABDC Champions

Here's the rest of Ninjaboi's review:
Speaking of the Champ’s challenge, Let me go into that a bit more, barring numbers, and in somewhat general terms (It’s late, bear with me). 

-Opening: Pretty clear theme.  I mean, these guys are the royalty overall.  It was sort of like an extended segment of when Mario calls out all the crews in the first and last episode and they give a sneak peek of their moves.  Plus they had midgets.  In my opinion the best of the night, particularly Quest’s solo with the double over and under and Ryan’s Matrix moment.

-Poreotix: A novelty kid’s song to help a kid’s charity.  Perfect, even more “how do you choreograph to that” than Love Story.  May not have been the best of the night, or their personal best. But consider that they were the only crew who have been competing for the past 3 months, and they worked on 9 routines in 4 weeks (Top 4 collab+Magic+Hip Hop Nation+Tetriotix+West Collab+Drumline+Victory+Champs Collab+Chipmunks).  Classic Poreotix humor through and through.

-We Are Heroes: To be honest, I thought they were in comic book covers rather than toy boxes.  But again, they matched their theme of helping children. Not particularly to my taste personally, but I admit it was dope dancing.  Mami’s hair explosion was a bit weird, but the tutting was dope.

-Quest: Film opening for a Film project.  We’ve seen most of these moves before if you’ve been paying attention, but as I’ve said before, recycling stuff isn’t a sin.  Heck, we finally were able to see Ryan’s special stage-crossing technique!  Props to Aris for bringing it hard on his first time on that stage.  And the music really showed their diversity for musicality.

-Supercr3w: As Lil Mama said, they killed it.  But Jalen stole the show.  How the heck he’s able to do it that well, I don’t know.  But hopefully he’ll come back in future years with other kids his age, like Lil Demon. 

-Jabbawockeez: The original ABDC champ.  Anyone notice their 7th member?  Anyway, tbh it started off a bit slow, but those robotics… I swear they’re escaped animatronics from Disney or something.  They showed us why they won first season and have had continued success ever since. 

-Cypher: MTV, if you’re reading this, please please please post up the full cypher battle.  Be they crews or individuals, this is some of the best dancing we’ll ever see.
So we saw all these crews, and were reminded why they are amazing.  But why did they win in the first place?  They are by no means the only great crews to ever have stepped on this stage. Kaba Modern, So Real Cru, Fanny Pak, Beat Freaks, Strikers All Stars Massive Monkees, Rhythm City, Blueprint, Hype 5-0, Jungle Boogie, Static Noyze, and many others will all go down in ABDC history as amazing crews.  But what set Jabbawockeez, Supercr3w, Quest, We Are Heroes, and Poreotix apart from the others, that gave them that edge to win?  (By the way – I never was much of a Season 2 fan, so if any Supercr3w/Fanny/SRC fans get mad because I don’t talk about their crews as much… sorry. )

1.All these dancers have a minimum level of competence in dancing that can only come from years and years of experience.  There are no shortcuts – most of these people have been dancing since college by the latest, some (like Jalen), since before that.  Only that hard work will even get you on the stage. The production crew does a good job of screening the talent that is there and that needs more time to develop.  This dancing talent is both at an individual and group level: you cannot have one dancer carrying 6 other people by his merit alone. 

2. Most crews tend to have the majority of their members masters in a single style.  Jabba = Beat Kune Do, Quest and Supercr3w both have a plurality of bboys, WAH and Poreotix with tutting. This familiarity with a specific singular style allows them all to fall back to common moves when choreographing, and brings a sense of unity to their performances so it’s not like they’re fighting each other for the spotlight.  Crews that tended to be more eclectic in their mastery would split their performance time and effort trying to showcase all their ability, which could often lead to substandard results. 

3. That being said, these crews can’t be specialists in one style.  Past crews that tried to bring their one thing each week soon got old and went home.  While mastery of ALL STYLES is not a mandatory requirement, at least a working familiarity with the basic style can add flavor and diversity each week. 

4. This is a bit of a repetition, but showcasing a single style won’t work.  Be it bucking, or bonebreaking, we don’t wan to see a museum exhibit on one dance style.  Even in the multiple-styles challenges, winning crews integrated their own style into it, showing the challenge for a bit, and showing that they knew it well, before showing us something not in the challenge.

5. Ability to learn is also important. JC is a good barometer for which crew is going to win – he always picks on the crew a bit for one issue.  Other crews got blasted, too, but only the champs really improved on their stuff to bring to the judges what they needed to see. Even better, when crews realize that they need to change something on their own because it’s not working, that must be acknowledged as well.

6. Winning crews in the past have been relatively humble.  By that, I mean while they came with a passion and a drive to win, they don’t look down on any other crew as truly inferior, giving props where they’re due.  This humility also helps as the weeks go on in preparing challenges: By never assuming that they will automatically be saved, the crews that are humble will keep on giving their best by expecting to be on the bottom, and bringing the heat each time.

7. Dancing is for entertaining, but it’s also for having fun.  When a crew doesn’t have fun, then the routine really can’t be called great. Likewise, a crew that has fun, but doesn’t show it, is just as bad as a crew that doesn’t have fun.  Crews that can be expressive and show that emotion behind the routine, be it anger or sadness or joy, will get the audience into the routine and have them “feel” it and support them.

8. A funny thing I’ve noticed is that all winning crews have some sort of icon to them.  Masks, S-hands, hair+salute, peace sign, sunglasses… It all lends to a crew being more memorable and gives them more options when being creative on how to spice up their routine.

9. In going with this idea of an identity, these crews never really compromised their character.  Sure they may have emulated a dance style, or had to put on a new side of themselves once in a while.  But they always reminded us somewhere that it was THIS CREW that we were watching, no matter how many moves they needed to copy. 

10. Teamwork and chemistry are obviously very important: Any crew that has shown problems working together never really made it far.  Most of these crews have been together for a long time, as in several years, and if not as a single crew, at least as professional acquaintances and collaborators or rivals in battling.  By being able to work together, they can bounce ideas off each other better than total strangers could, and bring out previous choreography without too much effort.

11. Another thing I’ve noticed is that while these crews do have drive, and occasionally shed a few tears of emotion, they are very down to earth and not above making fun of themselves or goofing around in practice.  Taking themselves too seriously has the effect of making their performances too serious, and removes that element of “fun” which is why we came to watch.  Be serious in their desire, but remember to laugh sincerely once in a while.

12. Connections.  This may be the reason why the West coast crews always win.  As the dancing community is very entrenched over there, with many major competitions and employers in the area, the dance scene allows these dancers to make contact with each other, and continually learn, and find out the secrets to success. Many dancers are part of many crews, and taking those experiences really supplement their existing skills.

13. I’ve said this before.  But crews really can’t survive with one person pulling the others up.  It must be a group effort.  When they highlight different individuals, you get a sense that they all deserve it, not just that one person who’s always in the limelight.

14. Athleticism is always a plus.  After all, who doesn’t like seeing a few good physical tricks here and there.  Plus it helps with endurance, and attempting some of the more difficult challenges given you.

15. All crews have amazing battle abilities.  Be it through sick moves, or the ability to make fun of your opponent and bring that mindset, or through individual skill, battling crews do have an edge over straight hip hop choreography crews.  Being able to get dirty and hardcore and let it go where it will and rally back is a trait that must not be overlooked.  This is why crews in the bottom 2 of the top 3 who are saved always win I think: They show at the very end that they can bring it when it matters and hold nothing back. 

16. Musicality and Timing tend to be highly favored. While formations and specific moves are impressive, how you take those, and meld them together so that it matches the music well and how you build up to those big moments.  Beyond routines, timing when to show a special trick hidden up your sleeve or to let it all out in the final performance is important as well.

17. Crews that can apply a concept, be it a story tied to the music or not, or some overlying theme, abstract or not, to a dance routine will add a new layer of depth to a routine that makes it more memorable.  It lends emotion to it, which we as an audience can feel.  Likewise, having a strong ending and opening also lend to that memorability, especially if it matches that concept or comes full circle or such.

18. Eye Candy. While you specifically may not think anyone on a certain crew looks fine, several other people do, and that lends to their…
-…Fanbase. All these crews came out strong on their first appearance.  First impressions last, sometimes the whole season, and can easily label a crew as “the one to beat,” making the fans less apt to switch votes.  Some may not like it, but then again, if it was purely by talent, we’d have Nappy Tabs, past show winners, and other choreographers on the judging panel and no voting. Being able to be presentable to the public and get a fanbase is just as important to a dance crew looking for fans as is their dance moves, by which they make and keep their fans. That non-dancing quality can be the clincher between two crews of equal talent (in different styles maybe), but where one comes off as impersonal to their audience.  Even if they do love their audience, but isn’t as obvious about it.

19. Perhaps the most important thing of all: The champs (and a few others) have transcended “dancer” status.  They are no longer dancers who are entertaining: they are entertainers who dance.  While anyone can learn steps and be creative and make a good set, it takes a certain type of performer to be able to take non-dance moves, and integrate them in your routine for that small effect with huge results.  It takes a certain type of performer to put on a total show through facial expressions, body placement, set concept, overall storytelling, and sheer technical ability.  Dancing is a form of self expression, but it is also a form of entertainment. That sacred bond between dancer and audience, where the audience spends their time watching in recognition of the dancer’s talent, must be validated by the dancer presenting a show suited and tailored to the audience in thanks for that recognition.  By never forgetting that they dance for their audience, these crews truly have become legendary.
So there you have it. It may not be a comprehensive list, but it has what I think are some of the main points a crew must have before they even seriously consider themselves to be worthy to be called ABDC.  So ends another season, but don’t worry, I’ll stick around (when school permits me), and be back for Season 6!  Saying farewell to Seasoned Fries, it’s been swell. ~Ninjaboi

PS: Shoutouts to BABDC fam, and specifically to Isaac for getting WOD Pomona shoutouts!  Special love to my fellow Lawfacers and Herosmilers!

Click here to return to the first page and to leave comments. Thanks again Ninjaboi for all your reviews all season long!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"4th ABDC Judge" renders his FInal Judgement on ABDC: Champions for Charity

Here is the detail on "The 4th ABDC Judge's" verdict on America's Best Dance Crew's Champions for Charity show: 
OPENING: It was so good to see every winner once again. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them (not including Poreotix). The theme was great, the kings and queens of ABDC. Let’s start with the crews' own sections:-Jabbawockeez, when I saw that this time there was 7 of you, I wondered if this would help or hurt you. It most definitely helped you. Your section was great. You were all in sync with each other. You played with the music because when it said, hands go up; you did your signature hand point up, respecting your fallen crew member. The cool thing with the 7 people now is that one guy can be in the center while the other can split up evenly to make it look clean, which you did. 
-Super Cr3w - you started just like I remember you, with tricks. You started with some flares and went into some back flips. Then two more went into back flips. Thankfully, you didn’t just focus on your big tricks. I did see some choreography which was good. 
-Quest Crew - you guys work so well together. You started with you guys moving together perfectly. You also used the entire stage by jumping off, also showing your high energy. I really liked the passing head spins; it was something I’ve never seen before. The best thing was when one of you was the base and one guy went over the base, another went over the guy who went over the base, and one went under the base. It reminded me of your week 1 performance which was one of my favorite performances by you. 
-We are Heroes - your popping style and teamwork never stops amazing me. You started by moving like a unit like your VMA week which I loved. You also showed your athletic style with the no-hand cartwheels. You also showed your feminine side with the booty shaking, something no other champion can do, and you ended with you moving in sync, something you ladies do well. 
-Poreotix - your tutting style is what got you here and I was pleased to see it once again. You played with your levels and I thought that was clean. You tutting section was very good; you showed us why you got here. When Poreotix got knighted, I thought that was very creative. When all of you danced together, it was very, well, together. The 3 people who were doing flares in the middle were good. I liked the ending when you sat in your seats doing your signature poses. This was maybe the best group performance in ABDC history.  
POREOTIX: Wow, tutting to the chipmunks, and I thought that it was good to tut to Taylor. This performance was very interesting since most people don’t dance to chipmunks but you did and it was very good. Your opening was clever with the tree and all. You tutted with the music well and when you had your arms around each other’s shoulders, it actually did remind me of the chipmunks. When the music started speeding up, that’s when things got real good. Your tutting was so clean.  You did show your humor with the shimmy. You even showed you were smooth with the body rolls. Your floor work was clean and I loved your hand tutting section and your head tutting section. Your ending was also humorous because it brought it back to the chipmunks with the acorns. Great performance Poreo!
Slo-Mo: When the was two lines of 3 and one person in each line was going a different way because it was a very precise formation and I loved it. Great job.
The charity: What Jackie does is amazing. To teach kids how to dance as an outlet for their problems is very moving. To keep kids away from violence, drugs, alcohol, etc. is very important because kids are the future and if our future leaders are doing bad things, well then the future will be bad as well. Jackie keep doing what your doing at Everybody dance now and I hope more kids sign up for it to.

WE ARE HEROES: Your theme is very good for you. You guys are action figure heroes and that’s who you are, We Are Heroes.  When your broke out the box, your energy went bursting out as well. You all were in Sync with each other which is what I love about this crew. You also used your flexibility to your advantage because you got your legs high! You had your unit thing going on. Your double back hand flips were sick. Loved that. Also, after you did that crazy thing with Mimi’s hair, you went into a popping section which I liked. You showed power on that stage and it really shows. Good Job ladies.
Slo-mo: When you were all huddled up and started doing a hand tutting section. It was very clean and I really liked it. Good job.
The charity: Sarah really opened up her heart. Starting a cheer squad for kids with disabilities is really heart warming. She wants to show people that just cause you have a disability, doesn’t mean you can’t anything. The Sparkle effect is such a great cause and I love that they continue to do this. What ever Sarah does with the 10000 dollars, I know it will be something great. 

QUEST CREW: Your old style performance was amazing. In the beginning, you started with robotic head spins which I thought were very interesting. Then, you did an old classic, the running man. It’s been so long since I’ve seen that, but it’s still good to this day. Like Omarion said, those air flares and then a coin drop was sick. Then that floor work. How you got across the floor, I don’t know what it was, but it worked for you. Your formations were very tight. My favorite being when you went into a box shape.  Your ending was also funny. How the Hok fell on top of the dude and their facial express said it all. The ending split was cool also. Overall, Quest crew brought it like they used to. Great Job.
Slo-mo: When the two dudes went through the 2 openings because the way you formed them was extraordinary. Great performance.
The Charity: While Jordan’s video is not a charity, it is just as important. He made the idea of staying in school into a cool presentation. He put his heart and soul into this and it definitely shows. It is so important to stay in school, get a quality education, and live a successful life. Enjoy the 10 Gs Jordan, maybe you’ll use it to make a sequel. 

SUPER CR3W: Wow, this performance was amazing. Let’s get started with your intro. You all were in sync, while on your hands. Its one thing to stay in sync, but to do it on your hands, is just amazing. The back flip off the wall was cool too. Like I said before, you did do some choreography which is very important. A crew (or cr3w), can’t just rely on stunts, they NEED choreo. Then, you went into these hand scuttles and it was nice and fast. Your line formation with all of you doing windmills was like organized chaos and it was dope. Then there’s the back flip, off a back! Very nice. The hand stand poses were creative because they went with the camera noises. But then your secret weapon comes out, Jalen! This kid is insanely good! He is rocking those head spins on the wall and while he’s doing that, you guys go back to choreo which is great because you’re balancing stunts with choreo. Also, Jalen doing the flares, where did this kid learn those moves? He even did a back hand flip. The little kid can keep up with the big boys. Outstanding performance Super Cr3w and Jalen.
Slo-mo: When you flipped the two guys up from the ground, so they were standing. It went by fast so not a lot of people didn’t see it. It was good and I thought people would want to know about it. Great job!
The Charity: Marvelyn, your story truly touched me. I love what you do. Spreading the word about HIV is so important. I’m so proud of you because when you got HIV, you didn’t let it ruin your life, you used it to help people everywhere learn the true dangers of HIV and how they can prevent it. Please continue what you do Marvelyn because it helps out so many people.

JABBAWOCKEEZ: It has been so long since I’ve seen you guys, but it’s totally worth the wait after seeing this performance. Let’s start with you amazing entrance. The giant mask coming from the sky was so Jabba. As JC said, your robot was you. You but your own style into it and it was so sick. Your Choreo was nice and you were all so together. Your line formation was great because it showed some great reveals. Then, the sickest part of your performance, the robot. Literally, you moved as one. It was a great way to end the episode. Amazing job JabbaWockeeZ.
Slo-mo: Your head spin. It was simple yes, but it was still good. I liked it and it reminded me about the back in time performance. Great Job!
The Charity: Josh, your website is so important. It really moved me that you show people that even without an arm or a leg, you can still do everything people with 4 limps do. IT boost up their morals and It’s so moving. Josh, keep doing what you do because it’s so helpful to so many amputees. 

Final Comments: Okay, THIS is last my last review for the season. I loved writing these reviews and really loved reading what people have to say, some good, some bad, all were made me happy to write reviews.  Don’t worry, I’m not leaving BABDC. In fact, I’m in the middle of making two contests, so make sure you participate. Later!

Click here to return to the first page and to leave comments. Thanks again for your reviews for Season 5 "The 4th ABDC Judge"!